

Data Science | Machine Learning | AI Consulting | Prototyping

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication"
Leonardo Da Vinci

What we do

• Extract knowledge from data
• Develop solutions for multiple domains via machine learning and ruled-based methods
• Deploy backend microservices

Skills & Tech Stack


AI Assistant Chatbot

Multi-purpose conversational agent powered by Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT). Large Language Models (LLMs). Natural Language Processing (NLP).

Aerial Animal Detection System

Cattle detection, tracking and counting on aerial images via Computer Vision and Neural Networks

International Classification of Diseases (ICD) Classifier

Microservice for classification of clinical documents according ICD codes. Hybrid system including machine learning and statistical search. TF-IDF. Natural Language Processing.

Georeferenced Weather Warning System for Agriculture

Online machine learning system on time series. It collects forecast data of several weather services for given locations, validates it via user input or a locally installed weather station, and learns to better predict future warnings.

Machine Learning (ML) fundamentals and types of ML algorithms

Artificial Intelligence Lecture at philosophers Colloquium "Phencoco"

Deep-Tic-Tac-Toe. Explainable AI

Educational self-learning board game applying Deep Reinforcement Learning.

Automated wind park data analyzer

Tool for automating the analysis of wind turbine’s sensors data for anomaly detection and generation of statistical data for certification purposes. Matlab.

Further Projects

Telegram Watchbot

Watchbot for guarding server, restarting services and sending related information.

Lane Detection for Autonomous Driving

Transmission, processing and analysis of Sensor-Data (LIDAR-Scanner) for lane detection and tracking. Location concept development and simulation. Data fusion between sensor-data and aerial images.

Frequency Converter Logic Simulator

Tool for simulating the logic behaviour of a pitch frequency converter of wind turbines.

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